Site Rules

  1. Keep site clean.
  2. Empty garbage cans after each use.
  3. Swimming is limited to the beach area.
  4. No swimming around docks and no jumping or diving off the docks. (Air Force Regulations)
  5. Speed Limit is 5 mph (on the road); Unlimited under sail.
  6. No parking or driving on grass on the lake side of the Pine Line and west of pavilion, except for dinghy launching and retrieval or site maintenance.
  7. Beach area shall be kept free and clear for sailboard and dinghy ingress/egress. No overnight beaching of boats except during a regatta.
  8. Do not modify any site structure without permission of HYC Port Captain.
  9. Guests must be accompanied by an HYC adult member.
  10. Fireworks, sparklers, firearms, illegal substances, and gambling are prohibited on site.
  11. During weekdays keep entrance gate locked except to enter and leave site. On weekends and holidays gate shall be opened by first member to arrive and locked by last member to leave.
  12. Pets are prohibited on the site on holidays, weekends, and during club events. At all other times, pets must always remain on a leash and under control. Failure to maintain control of pets may result in loss of membership with HYC.
  13. All members are to enjoy sailing and promote the sport.

Approved by HYC Membership on June 2, 2021.